So, I wasn't very aware of my surroundings, is what I'm saying; in other words: dark, cold, sleepy, depressing ...
I emerge from the Metro tunnel and ride the escalator up, still aforementionedly groggy. Posted at the top of the escalator is a woman handing out brochures. She attempts to shove one at me, but my hands were buried deep in thick gloves, and further buried deeply in my pockets. I didn't reach out for one, as it would likely have caused my body temperature to drop 6 degrees, sending me in to hypothermic shock. Further, my fuzzy brain barely registered the interaction, which wasn't the case on her end ...
I walk past, and she says in a sickly sweet tone, "Good morning to you, TOO!"
Whaaaaa??? I was judged by the brochure passer-outer! How unfair is that? It's not like I was expecting to have my path crossed by someone I had to interact with, much less someone trying to make me do something. It's probable I didn't even want the brochure, whatever it was. And, I'm not a morning person, and shouldn't be judged by those who are.
I guess this is a sign that I've fully assimilated into D.C. culture. When I first landed here from laid-back and friendly Seattle, I would've likely taken six brochures and carried on a 12 minute conversation with the lady out of politeness. But now, I have one thing to say to her: Suck it, Judgey Brochure Lady.
yeah....suck it!!!